Scientific Paranormal Observation Of Kinetic Spirits
Everyone has some level of fear of things that they don't understand.
Whether what they fear is normal, or something possibly "paranormal,"
the fear is real, and should be addressed.
S.P.O.O.K.S. makes every effort to relieve these fears by helping people
to understand what they are experiencing.
S.P.O.O.K.S. established and highly trained team of investigators will
discretely investigate, at no cost to you, any unexplainable paranormal
phenomenon you may be experiencing.
S.P.O.O.K.S. members are not "ghost busters" but researchers of the
paranormal. We are thoroughly trained in our fields and perform every
investigation with professional consideration and discretion.
Each investigation can potentially provide you with real answers. These
answers can ease your fears about your experiences and possibly provide
us with significant facts and knowledge in the area of the paranormal.
Any paranormal evidence obtained during an investigations is kept in
absolute confidence and will not be divulged or disseminated without
your permission.
1. Stay as calm as you possibly can
2. Write down any details as soon as possible after the occurrence
3. Try to establish a rational explanation for what you’ve experienced.
As horrifying as an event may seem at the time, there could be a
completely rational and real-world explanation for what you have
Keep an event log of any phenomenon that occurs as it happens. Include
as many details as you possibly can. Make these log entries as soon as
possible after the occurrence in the interest of recalling the event as
accurately as possible.
If noises are a prominent component of your regular experiences, try to
catch the noises on a portable audio recording device. Digital
recording devices can be purchased easily for as little as $30.00 or
If you are experiencing physical, or visual phenomena, attempt to catch
what you are seeing in a photograph or with a camcorder.
Keep the event log and equipment available as close as you can to the
spot where most of the events take place if possible. Anything evidence
you catch will be helpful in the event that you proceed with a formal
investigation. The times that the events occur are very important
because this helps S.P.O.O.K.S. establish the best time to initiate an
investigation. It may not be a bad idea to email details of the
occurrences to S.P.O.O.K.S. on a daily basis. If you wish to arrange
this, please let us know.
Example entry:
01/17/11 Rainy, 1:30 am. My husband and I were laying in bed and
the hallway light turned on. The two of us were the only ones in
the house.
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Observation Of Kinetic Spirits - All Right Reserved